Distributed team patterns at Inspiren Infotech

Common infrastructure
  • Integrated code base
  • Single CI server
  • Hourly automated builds
Distributed team patterns at Inspiren Infotech
Shared community
  • Online project management tool
  • Wiki and blogs
  • Shared mailing list and folder
Distributed team patterns at Inspiren Infotech
Complete alignment
  • Technology alignments
  • Tool alignments
  • Engineering best practices
Distributed team patterns at Inspiren Infotech
High communication modes
  • Sprint planning
  • Sprint review
  • Retrospectives
Distributed team patterns at Inspiren Infotech

Distributed scrum models


isolated scrums

Teams are isolated across various locations. Some teams may not be utilizing Agile.


distributed scrum of scrums

Cross Functioal Scrums are segregated across locations and unsegregated by a Scrum-Of-Scrums that meets usually across locations.


totally integrated scrums

Scrum Team are Disperesed across locations.

key benefits you get


Strong Project and Process Management

The primary duty of a project manager is to deal with the procedures related with project management. This doesn't imply that project managers must do this work themselves. For example, there might be a whole team of individuals making the Project Definition and work-plan. However, if something turns out badly, the project manager is responsible. The project manager responsible for all the work done.


Requirements Analysis

The aftereffects of the requirements elicitation and the analysis exercises are documented in the Requirements Analysis Document (RAD). This document totally describes the system regarding functional and nonfunctional requirements and fills in as a contractual basis between the customer and the developer. The RAD must be written in the language of the client's domain of business/expertise. By no means should any "computerize" terminology creep into this document.


Thorough Quality

We have an free QA department in charge of giving quality confirmation all through the whole Software Development Life-cycle of each project. Depending on the size of the last mentioned, we assign a testing team and characterize a QA time-frame, which allows us to streamline contribution and task costs. Despite the fact that autonomous by excellence of their duties, our QA specialists work in close collaboration with our development team.
